Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Thankful.....Are You?????

Today I am thankful. Thankful that Mark has a job that allows me the opportunity to be able to stay home and raise these children that God has blessed us with. Thankful that he is able, for the most part, to be home by 4:00 to help relieve mama of her neverending duties. Thankful that he makes enough money to put food on our table. Our pantry is full and the fridge is well stocked. There are however, many people that aren't as fortunate. I love working with the Food Pantry at church whenever I get a chance. It helps me keep things in prespective and reminds me just how blessed I am. Today was one of those days. I knew I only had one hour to give, but I wanted to be a part of the outreach today. Normally the Pantry is open everyother Friday, but today was a special day. The St. Louis Food Bank was bringing in food that we could use to bless the Monroe County residents with. There were 50lb. bags of carrots, 3lb. bags of onions, cases of apples, turkey meat, corn, spaghetti (sp?) and even Gatorade. I've never seen so many carrots in my entire life and I swear I will be dreaming about carrots tonight when I sleep!!!! There were around 15-20 Hopers Packing food today to bless the less fortunate with. What really struck me was when I pulled up 1 hour before they would be passing the food out, and seeing the long line of cars waiting. I was told some had been there since 7:15. They were willing to wait in line for 4 hours for food!!!!! I tend to take for granted that which God has blessed me with. I tend to take for granted when I am hungry, I can walk in my kitchen, and my need will be met. I am thankful to God blessing me and my family and for all the good things he has given me. What are you thankful for???

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