Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Day at Build A Bear....

I decided to take Mackenzie to Build a Bear yesterday in order to hopefully fill up the sadness and emptiness she was feeling. We had to give our Black Lab Bailey to another family on Thursday. About 2 months ago, Bailey decided she wanted to be over with the neighbors toy poodle to play whenever possible. Poodles owners weren't to keen on these "play dates." She would run out everytime one of the boys would go out the door. I couldn't control her, so we had to find her a new home. Mackenzie was absolutely heartbroken. I had the idea to take her to Build a Bear so she could build a "Bailey" she could keep FOREVER. Of course the boys had to build something to, so I justified it as an early Birthday present for them. The photo above is Mackenzie making sure Bailey feels "just right."

Giving Bailey her first of many hugs....

Then she chose a heart for her Bailey....

Next Corey chose a little brown and white puppy which he named Carly. This is the 2nd time he has built a bear, but the first time he probably understood and got something out of it.....

Corey thought Carley felt just right...

He didn't quite understand the concept of catching a heart for Carley, so big sister helped him..

Then came Connor. I tried to encourage him to get an animal that was different than Corey's, but he was persistant. His puppy is also named Bailey...

Caleb, bless his heart, only wanted this tiny prestuffed bear. He has carried this little guy, which he has named Brendan, around all day today..

Then came time for bathing the puppies....

Everyone did a GREAT job. The puppies were smelling so fresh when we left!!!

Notice Connor looking up at the yellow spout. He is trying to figure out how it is working..

Then he has to touch the "air" blowing out. He is always so inquisitive. Always thinking.....

Here is the whole crew with their new "Best Friends."

I tried for a good shot one more time, and than realized this is about as good as it's going to get!!!!

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